Car Parts/Spares Suppliers and Specialist Services List

This is a list of Specialist Automotive Parts Suppliers and Specialist Services including classic car restorers. It is not an exhaustive list but should be a good start. It is sorted by state.


Aussie Motoring is supplying this list as service to you. This is a list of those car parts suppliers and suppliers who supplied up their details for including here. Aussie Motoring has not checked or tested these businesses and thus cannot endorse them. You will need to do your own checking (as you normally would). Aussie Motoring cannot guarantee the lists are complete or up to date as things change over time and sometimes, links fail (although we are constantly monitoring the links). 

For Updates and to Provide Feedback

If you wish to update this listing including adding new listings, please let us know via our Contact Us page.

For Suppliers

For Car Parts Suppliers and Automotive Specialist Repair and Renovation service providers, this service is currently free.

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