by Stuart Livesey
One of our daughters is thinking of buying a new small car and that’s a perfect excuse for someone like me to go tyre kicking and collecting a few brochures for her. It also helps that she’s about as tall as me … and that’s rather tall so I can cull the cars that just don’t have the leg room for us.
After knocking my knees … and head … on several cars in the class I’ve come up with a short list for her and sent off the brochures (she works on the Central Tablelands in New South Wales).
Most of the brochures were what you would expect but the Hyundai Elantra and Getz brochures were … well … different. They consisted of a single sheet showing a nice picture and colour samples on the front and all the technical details on the back.
So what was so different about that? All the technical details were in print so small and so fine that I couldn’t read them.